Day 2: Ten Years Strong in 4-H

Ever Since I was in third grade, I was involved in 4-H. I participated ten years in swine, six years in junior leaders and three years in horse and pony. The fair was my favorite part of the summer. I loved getting to see friends, working with the animals and of course indulging in the food. This was the one week of the summer where we got to show off our projects that we had worked so hard on.

I cannot begin to explain the amount of things 4-H has taught me. Among the most important was hard work. My sister and I were out everyday walking and washing pigs together. We learned that if we worked hard on our projects it didn’t matter what ribbon we got at the end of the day, what mattered is that we worked hard to exhibit the absolute best project we could.

Showing my crossbred barrow in my tenth year of 4-H.

Showing my crossbred barrow in my tenth year of 4-H.

It is through 4-H that I met many people that helped guide me along the way. Gary and LeAnne Sanders were my 4-H club leaders and they had been so helpful through my many years of being involved in 4-H. They encouraged me to run for offices when I was younger within the club. Sovilla Mennen has not only been a mentor to me in the swine project, but someone I look up to and respect! She has been teaching me showmanship since I was young and she is someone that will always be there for me. My multiple project leaders have also uplifted me and supported me throughout many years. Last but not least, my parents have been more than encouraging in the years I have been involved in 4-H! Without the support of my parents, I don’t think I would have truly understood the importance of participating in 4-H.

4-H taught me things about myself that enabled to be at the point in my life I am today. I have attained life-skills such as hard work and leadership. Not only have I gained life-skills, but I have gained useful knowledge in my projects. I have always been passionate about being involved in the swine project, and that excitement stimulated the direction I wanted to go after my 4-H career. A degree in Ag Communications will allow me to advocate that same passion I possessed being involved in 4-H.